NBC News Feature on The LadyLike Foundation

NBC NEWS Feature
How we empower and inspire young women to reach their potential.

The LadyLike Foundation is working to educate, empower and inspire young women living in underprivileged communities across Los Angeles. NBC Los Angeles’ Annette Arreola reports.

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ALL OF THE CLASSES & WORKSHOPS follow the Ladylike curriculum based on five principles. The curriculum includes; L- Loving God, yourself, and others
A- Always Appropriate(Etiquette Everyday)
D- Destined for Greatness(Setting Goals, Preparing for College, and Future Careers)
Y- Yearning to Learn(Everyday is a new opportunity to learn and experience something)

  • Girl Talks
  • Cooking Classes
  • Finance Classes
  • Golf Classes
  • College Prep Classes
  • STEM Workshops
  • Etiquette Classes
Workshops & Classes

8+ Classes We Created & Offer

  • Ladylike Day at UCLA
  • Women of Excellence Scholarship Luncheon
  • Little Ladies Tea

Creating Experiences & Social Engagements

Since 2007, the Ladylike Foundation has provided 50 PARTIAL SCHOLARSHIPS to inner city girls in the Los Angeles community. We have also made a global impact in Ghana by sponsoring young girls to attend boarding school.

Encouraging Education

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